Healthy Pet Receives Prestigious Safety Excellence in the Workplace Award from the State of Georgia’s Department of Labor
Company Recognized for Outstanding Achievements in Workplace Safety
Georgia’s Department of Labor sponsors this annual award program to recognize and honor employers and employees who not only make safety a priority but also make safety a reality.
Healthy Pet received this award based on a number of key achievements at their Jesup, GA plant, in recognition of:
· Absence of recordable injuries,
· Well documented employee safety training, and
· Depth of training and coverage of critical safety topics
“Ensuring the safety of our people and our products in a healthy workplace environment is of top priority, so we are honored to receive this recognition from the state of Georgia’s Department of Labor,” states Ted Mischaikov, Chief Executive Officer of Healthy Pet.
Healthy Pet supports active, happy, and natural pet product solutions, creating a more ecologically beneficial environment and an enriched relationship between pets and their family. Healthy Pet’s product offerings and leadership demonstrate an accelerated commitment to a growing consumer base seeking natural products from a range of brands that demonstrate a high level of corporate responsibility.