We support cat adoptions by donating litter to select shelters and supplying free litter to their adopters. This enables kitties to get started using a premium natural litter that is better for them, the home and our world.
- Supported 9,000+ adoptions
- Donated 63,000+ pounds of ökocat litter

We assist rescues and small animal adopters by donating bedding and coupons, to start them off right with the softest, driest, most comfortable home for their small pet.
- Supported thousands of adoptions
- Donated over 102,000+ liters of carefresh® bedding

We contribute to this educational grant program so teachers can have small pets in the classroom, providing children the opportunity to bond with and care for pets responsibly.
Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
We help to support an ongoing study evaluating the effects of classroom pets for children, to explore new directions for learning and human - animal relationships.

For many years, we have been the principal sponsor of our local WHS Small Animal Adoption facility, providing them with volunteer time, donations and contributions.
For almost 120 years, Whatcom Humane Society has been sheltering abandoned animals, fighting animal cruelty and neglect, and working to build a caring, compassionate and human community. Last year, they provided care and comfort for over 5000 animals.