Healthy Pet Reaches Tier 3 in the Pet Sustainabity Coalition (PSC) Positive Impact Program

The Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC) recently unveiled it's Positive Impact Program designed to increase recognition for suppliers and brands who are continually measuring and improving their environmental impact. Healthy Pet submitted their extensive application for assessment, showing their sustainability practices throughout the organization and received a Tier 3 rating for Top Category Performance. This entitles Healthy Pet for inclusion in promotional emails, social media posts, trade show materials and more to help amplify their sustainability story. 

"Sustainable business practices aren’t just good for individual companies. Adopting a 3rd party assessment creates a shared language for what sustainable business practices are, and what terms like natural, sustainable, green, and eco-friendly really mean. By requiring measurement and annual improvement instead of a minimum “score”, the Positive Impact Program incentivizes continuous improvement no matter where the starting line for each company may be." (excerpt for

The program also requires continuous measurement of improvements and updating eligibility each year. Healthy Pet's next assessment will be in July of 2020. 

Healthy Pet is proud to be a major sponsor of PSC to help support sustainability in the pet industry. 

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