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The Ultimate Guinea Pig Diet Guide

My dad used to call guinea pigs “eating machines”, and he wasn’t too far off with that assessment! But what is the proper diet needed to keep these wonderful furry companions in tip top shape? >>> READ MY FIRST BLOG POST ABOUT GUINEA PIGS   HEY!! Guinea pigs need HAY!!  Piggies need fresh hay- and lots of it! It is generally agreed upon by leading guinea pig veterinarians that 70-75% of their diet should be made up of hay and it should also be always available for them. But why is hay so important? A guinea pig’s teeth never stop growing. It’s essential that they always have hay to eat in order to keep their teeth from overgrowing and potentially causing serious dental and health problems. Plus, guinea pigs like to forage and picking out their perfect pieces of hay gives them positive mental stimulation as well. But what kind of hay?  For full grown adults, grass-based hay, such as timothy and orchard grass are ideal. If you have a pregnant or a younger piggy, clover and alfalfa are good choices as they contain an increased amount of protein and calcium - but they are not recommended for adults because too much protein and/or calcium can lead to very painful bladder stones, which many times require surgery to remedy. Some grain-based hays, like oat, can be a yummy treat, but contain lots of calories and as a result should be fed sparingly.  Guinea pig pellets  Because the quality of available hay is subject to many kinds of growing conditions that the weather causes, a good pellet supplement is important to assist with the hay in a guinea pigs' diet. You will want to buy timothy hay-based pellets in order to help avoid the risk of excess calcium consumption (found in other hays listed earlier). Veterinarians recommend purchasing plain pellets (nothing with added seeds, dehydrated vegetables, etc.) and feeding between 1.5 to 2 tablespoons per guinea pig a day.   Vitamin C  Did you know you have something in common with your guinea pig? Unlike most mammals, both humans and guinea pigs cannot produce their own vitamin C and thus must get their daily allowance from their diets. Usually enough vitamin C can be gotten through daily fresh vegetables and fruits, but having a vitamin C supplement on hand is a good idea. Most of the major pet store chains carry a tasty vitamin C supplement for your guinea pigs.  Some of the biggest dietary questions asked are, “What types of fruits and vegetables can I feed?” and “How much can I give?”  Starting with vegetables  If you have or have had a guinea pig, you know the sound of a bag opening can generate excitement from a piggy! In order to make sure that enough vitamin C is received by your guinea pig, veterinarians recommend each guinea pig get a good handful or two of fresh greens daily.   There are lots of opinions on what kind of vegetables are good and what aren’t. I’ll focus on what are generally considered good vegetables….  A list of yummy vegetable treats for your guinea pig includes:  Bell peppers (e.g., red, green, yellow) Greens- Collars, Turnip, Dandelion, Green leaf lettuce Romaine lettuce Parsley Cilantro Kale Broccoli Brussels sprouts Carrots and carrot tops Head lettuce is not recommended. The nutritional value is very low, and it fills the guinea pig up, essentially making head lettuce the guinea pig equivalent of eating “potato chips”.   Make sure the vegetables are fresh, I always say, “If you wouldn’t eat them, don’t feed them to your guinea pigs!” Also make sure all vegetables are thoroughly rinsed before feeding. Some veggies are higher in calcium than others (like romaine lettuce) so factor that in your selection as too much calcium over time can lead to problems like bladder stones.    Fruits While many fruits are high in vitamin C, most are also high in sugar and also acidic (can upset the digestive system). As a result, a small amount can be fed, but only as an occasional treat. Some favorite fruits of guinea pigs include: Blueberry Kiwi Strawberry Orange Banana Do not feed Avacodo as it is toxic to guinea pigs (and most other rodents)   Other treats Unfortunately, there are a lot of commercially available treats marketed to guinea pigs that really are not good for them. Many contain lots of fats and sugars (and even some dairy - a big no no) and are low in fiber. It’s recommended by most veterinarians that a hay-based treat is best. Hay based treats are readily available at most pet stores. Even then, just feed sparingly as you don’t want the guinea pig to eat too many of the treats, thus reducing the amount of fresh hay or pellets they eat. Dried edible flowers and leaves/branches from nontoxic plants, like willow and apple, are also fine and can provide mental stimulation for your guinea pig as well. Guinea pigs should never be fed any kind of pastas, meats, or dairy products. If your guinea pig is offered a new type of food and doesn’t seem to like it, don’t give up, try again a different day. Often it takes a few tries for a guinea pig to take to a food. Fresh Water Water is very essential and fresh water (changed daily) should always be available. Both a guinea pig specific (rodent) water bottle of at least 12 ounces (341ml) per pair of guinea pigs or a water dish placed in the pen are acceptable. My experience is that most guinea pigs prefer using a water bottle but if using a dish, make sure the water stays clean (not soiled from any bedding or piggy poops).   As with any care- any specific questions or concerns should be addressed with a qualified guinea pig veterinarian. Hopefully, however, this blog entry will give you a great start to keeping your guinea pig happy and healthy through diet!   Guest Post by Craig N. - long time Guinea Pig parent, currently of Bentley and Cosmo (pictured above), and they invite you to follow their antics @  Until next time….
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The Ultimate Comfort and Long-Lasting Clean with carefresh Bedding for Guinea Pigs and Other Small Animals

When it comes to our beloved guinea pigs and other small pets, providing them with a comfortable and clean living environment is paramount. From the quality of their bedding to its longevity, every aspect plays a crucial role in ensuring their well-being. Among the myriad options available, carefresh small pet paper bedding stands out for its exceptional ability to provide long-lasting cleanliness and comfort for our furry friends. Let's delve into why carefresh bedding is a top choice for conscientious small pet parents and how it enhances the lives of our small companions. 1. Superior Absorbency carefresh bedding is renowned for its outstanding absorbency, making it ideal for keeping your pet's habitat clean and dry. Made from natural paper fibers, carefresh bedding effectively absorbs moisture, minimizing odors and reducing the risk of bacterial growth. This exceptional absorbency helps maintain a hygienic environment, promoting the health and well-being of your guinea pigs and other small animals. 2. Dust-Free and Allergen-Free One of the common concerns among pet owners is the presence of dust and allergens in bedding materials, which can adversely affect the respiratory health of their pets. carefresh bedding addresses this concern by being virtually dust-free and allergen-free. The low-dust composition ensures that your pets can burrow and nest without the risk of respiratory irritation, providing them with a safe and comfortable habitat to thrive in. 3. Long-Lasting Freshness Unlike some traditional bedding options that require frequent changes, carefresh bedding offers long-lasting freshness, reducing the frequency of cage cleanings. The superior odor control properties of carefresh bedding ensure that your pet's habitat remains fresh for an extended period, allowing you to spend more quality time with your furry companions and less time on maintenance tasks. 4. Environmentally Friendly carefresh bedding is crafted from sustainable and biodegradable materials, making it an environmentally friendly choice for today's conscientious pet owners. The use of upcycled paper fibers not only reduces waste but also minimizes the environmental impact of pet care activities. By choosing carefresh bedding, you can provide your pets with a cozy and eco-friendly habitat while supporting sustainable practices. 5. Comfort and Nesting Potential Beyond its practical benefits, carefresh bedding offers unmatched comfort and nesting potential for your guinea pigs and small pets. The soft and fluffy texture of the bedding material provides a cozy retreat for your pets, encouraging natural behaviors such as burrowing and nesting. This enriching environment promotes mental stimulation and enhances the overall quality of life for your furry companions.carefresh bedding sets the standard for long-lasting clean and comfort in the care of guinea pigs and other small animals. With its superior absorbency, dust-free composition, long-lasting freshness, and eco-friendly credentials, carefresh bedding provides pet owners with peace of mind knowing that their furry friends are living in a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment. Make the switch to carefresh bedding today and elevate your pet care routine to new heights of excellence. Your furry companions will thank you for it!  
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Introduction to the many different guinea pig breeds

In this installment of guinea pig blogs, I’ll have a look at the different breeds.

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What do Guinea Pigs See and Taste? Plus, Other Common Questions

Facebook @briochepig Hello carefresh friends! In this blog we will look into the senses of the guinea pig and address many popular questions about them.  One of the most popular topics about the senses of a guinea pig is their eyesight. There are a few opinions that contradict others in this area, but for the purposes of this blog, I will use the most agreed upon information among studies.  >>> READ MY FIRST BLOG POST ABOUT GUINEA PIGS  Can guinea pigs see colors?  Guinea pigs have been found by scientists studying their eyes to be dichromatic, that is they see two of the three primary colors. They are able to detect yellow, blue, and hues associated with them. It is likely that the colors they see are less vivid than the color we see.  How well do they see?  Overall a guinea pig does not have great eyesight, but they have some really interesting abilities that help protect them in the wild and those have been passed down through the centuries to our friendly friends today.   Guinea pigs can see an amazing 340° around them. For example, using both eyes, we humans can only see 180° around us. The guinea pig eyesight range is perfect to react to any predators. The 340° vision is also what allows them to quickly react to any object coming toward them without moving their head. That helps account for their super quick reaction times.  But Guinea pigs can only detect what an object actually is from roughly 12-16 inches away (30-38 cm). And they can only see movement/objects from a distance of 5-6 feet (1.5 metres). But at that distance, it is very hard to make out what the object might be. Guinea pigs also have very weak depth perception. This is important to know because if you have them on a bed or chair, they can't recognize how high up they are which could result in them feeling it is safe to jump off when it is not.  Can my piggy see in the dark?    The short answer is, maybe. There isn't a definitive answer to this, but scientists believe they can have a mental map of their surroundings and when combined with their sense of smell and whisker sensors, they can zip around in the dark without crashing into things!!!  How well does my guinea pig hear?  Guinea pig hearing is much better than humans. They can hear in lower, and especially higher, frequencies than we do. Their hearing ability helps make up for their relatively poor eyesight. This is one of the reasons you can, for example, try to quietly open the refrigerator and your guinea pigs might start wheeking thinking a treat is on the way! Your guinea pig can also distinguish your individual voice! However their sensitive hearing also means that they are not a fan of loud noises or bangs, such as fireworks.   Are those whiskers just there for cuteness?  Whiskers on a guinea pig act in very similar ways to other animals. Loaded with nerve endings in them, they are used to measure the width of tunnels and objects. Basically, if the whiskers fit, the piggy will fit. They can also use them to measure the size and depth of an object right in front of them (think lettuce!). They also act as a warning for any object approaching the eye so they may protect it.  Can my guinea pig actually tell who I am compared to others?  Guinea pigs have an amazing sense of smell. Since their eyesight isn't good at detecting predators in the wild, their sense of smell, along with hearing, helps make up for those deficiencies. So the answer to the question concerning if they can recognize you specifically, yes they can! You may see an example of this when you have a visitor over and they approach the guinea pig’s habitat to say ”hi”, the piggy most likely takes off and hides, but they won't do that with you. They know who you are by your smell and know that there is no threat to them and recognize you as a friend!  How well do things taste?  The taste buds of a guinea pig's tongue are highly developed and as such taste flavors well. Naturally they prefer foods more to the sweet side, but over time get to accept slightly less sweet/ bitter tastes. Of course, like humans, some piggies will like one thing while their friends may not. The sensitive taste buds also help determine if a new food is acceptable when their nose and whiskers don't convince them. You may have seen this when introducing a new food and you will see them sniff it and then slowly give it a lick or quick taste. If they don't like it they will often let it fall out of their mouth or will finish what they took, but not eat any more of it.  Hopefully this basic overview of a guinea pig’s senses, and how they work together, will help you understand and appreciate your guinea pigs more than ever! Guest Post by Craig N. - long time Guinea Pig parent, currently of Bentley and Cosmo (pictured above), and they invite you to follow their antics @  Until next time….  
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What Do Guinea Pig Noises Actually Mean? How to Interpret Their Adorable Sounds

Facebook @briochepig Wheeking, chutting, and rumbling, oh my! These are just some of the noises that the most vocal of rodents, the guinea pig, use to communicate with each other, and you!  In this blog entry, I will dive into what many of the noises guinea pigs make actually mean.  Let’s start with good sounds and work the way down to the not so good sounds. READ MY FIRST BLOG POST ABOUT GUINEA PIGS   WHEEKING  The sound most people equate to guinea pigs is “wheeking”. This is a loud whistle that is essentially asking or demanding a treat. A happy noise. But, not all guinea pigs wheek. In fact, a guinea pig I have now, Cosmo, is the first one I’ve had that wheeks in almost 6 years! And his cage mate, Bentley, sits back and enjoys all the fruits of Cosmo’s efforts. So if you have a guinea pig that doesn’t wheek- no worries- they don’t all wheek.  A wheek is also often used when one pig is calling out for another, especially when a young pig loses track of his/her mother or cage mate.  In this video, Cosmo (black and white) is wheeking when he hears me with a treat bag.    In this next video, you will first hear a baby Cosmo call out for Bentley and Bentley immediately runs to him. In the second part, you’ll hear Bentley as a baby call out for his new cage mate and big “brother” Baxter, who also comes immediately over to Bentley.       BUBBLING  This is a very quiet noise that a content guinea pig may make. It is usually associated when you have a piggy super relaxed in your lap with a very gentle rubbing of teeth. Sometimes a light pet on their jaw when relaxed will bring this action and sound. But beware, teeth rubbing/grinding can also be a very bad noise- more on that later.  CHUTTING  This is my favorite of all noises. Also sometimes called “clucking”, these are noises a super happy guinea pig makes, usually when exploring around during floor time. They tend to make this noise in conjunction with each step they take. They will also occasionally make the sound in their pen, but one is most likely to hear it during floor time.  In this video you will hear Bentley and Cosmo chutting as they are running around. Bentley’s is not as loud as Cosmo.    RUMBLING  This is generally neither a good nor bad noise. For the most part, rumbling refers to “rumble strutting”. Rumble strutting is used when a guinea pig is courting another or, when between two or more males, is used to determine and define a hierarchy. Even if an “alpha male” has already been determined, the behavior can sometimes reoccur to make sure no one forgot what their role is. Among guinea pigs that are already bonded, this is a perfectly natural behavior and sound that may occasionally occur, whether courting or determining who’s in charge. However, this behavior is most likely to occur during bonding and generally not an issue unless a small “fight” breaks out and then only if blood is drawn. Rumble strutting is usually accompanied by a “butt wiggle” and a warning sound as well as teeth chattering (explained later).  Here, Cosmo (black and white) is attempting to remind Bentley (brown) that he is in charge. Bentley really doesn’t want any of it, but does try and stick up for himself. But no worries, these two are bonded buddies and 10 minutes later were napping next to each other.    Rumbling might also occur if an unfamiliar noise briefly startles a guinea pig. Usually it is a quick rumble noise followed by a temporary freezing of the pig’s position for a couple of seconds.  WHINING  This is a more soft noise where the guinea pig is not necessarily excited or pleased with what is going on. Usually it can be heard when you pick up and put a piggy in your lap but he/she isn’t exactly 100% in the mood. Many times a treat or chin scratch will make the piggy relaxed and accepting of “lap time”, but if the noise continues, you might want to consider returning him/her to the pen for a little while and try again later.  SHRIEKING  This is an unmistakable sound sure to catch your attention. The guinea pig is yelling at you to stop what you are doing immediately. If you suspect or have a sick guinea pig, the shriek can actually be helpful for a vet to diagnose just where the problem is in a hurt guinea pig as the shriek will occur when the problem area is touched. Sometimes the shriek can be a simple “don’t pick me up'' quick one. That is not one to usually worry about. Any other instances of shrieking when touched should be looked at by an experienced veterinarian.  TEETH CHATTERING  This sounds just like the name indicates. It is often included as part of a “who’s the boss” rumble strut. It is one or more guinea pigs telling the other to get away from me, I’m not in the mood for your antics right now. It can often foretell a fight. If you hear teeth chattering and it is accompanied by rumble strutting and likely loud noises, keep your eye on the situation. If things become too aggressive that a fight starts and you see blood, you will need to separate them. BUT, you can also get injured trying to do that so extreme caution is advised. Guinea pigs rarely bite humans, but as a last resort, they will. I still have a small scar of piggy incisors on a finger from when I tried to break up a fight 23 years ago and got chomped on!!!  One thing I recently learned through slowing videos down, is when a guinea pig is irritated with another, for whatever reason, an aggressive lunge towards the other pig looks very bad and makes me check for any blood. But as it turns out, the initial objection shown by the aggressor actually does not involve teeth. The guinea pig actually will cover up his/her teeth just before contact so no contact with teeth is made. So it amounts to a sort of “push” rather than a “punch” to the other piggy.  In this slowed down video, you will see that Bentley, most likely annoyed that Baxter is in his favorite spot, gives a warning look and then lunges/jabs Baxter. But you can see that just before he does, he covers up his teeth with his lips.     THESE NEXT TWO SOUNDS DO NOT HAVE A DEFINITIVE AGREEMENT ON WHAT THEY MEAN.  The first is chirping. This is a relatively rare noise that most pigs will never make. But it sounds just like a bird chirping quickly. My personal opinion is that it is a warning to others of a sensed danger, similar to a rabbit’s thumping. But again, there is no general consensus on the exact meaning of chirping.  From 2017, my guinea pig Biscotti is under the tv stand, but you clearly hear him chirping.     The second is purring. If you have a pig that purrs, it will most likely occur when you are petting him/her from mid body and back. Sometimes I’m able to mimic the sound, then immediately pet the pig and get him/her to “answer” me back. Once again, there is no general consensus on what purring means, but I believe it is a mostly positive sound.  Cosmo is having a “purring session” with me in this video.    HONKING, HOOTING, CRACKLING, WHEEZING  These are sounds that demand immediate veterinary intervention. As predatory animals, even after hundreds of generations removed from their wild ancestors, guinea pigs try very hard to hide symptoms of illness. Any one or more of those sounds, mainly during breathing, indicates a high likelihood of a respiratory illness that has already developed, which is why an immediate trip to the vet is needed.  TEETH GRINDING  If your guinea pig is grinding his/her teeth while resting, he/she is likely in pain. Most frequent cause would be a kidney/calcium stone, but no matter what the reason, this also requires an immediate trip to a veterinarian. Often the grinding is accompanied by a whimpering sound.  This is a photo of a calcium stone that Biscotti had. You can see it in the x-Ray and also see the actual stone that was removed. How painful that must have been for him. He was both whimpering and grinding his teeth in pain, and then began to lose appetite. This is why an immediate trip to a veterinarian is necessary if such behavior/sounds are noticed.    So these were many of the most common sounds these cute animals use to engage in a surprisingly sophisticated form of communicating. Hopefully this blog helped you learn something new about these furry pets.  In the next blog, I’ll explore guinea pig anatomy. How well do they see? Hear? Smell? Why is it so important their digestive system always has something going through it? How fast does their heart beat?  I hope you will join me for that next time!  Guest Post by Craig N. - long time Guinea Pig parent, currently of Bentley and Cosmo (pictured above), and they invite you to follow their antics @  Until next time…. Learn more about Guinea Pigs here           
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