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10 Healthy Habits To Live Happily With Your Pet

Having a pet is one of the most rewarding parts of owning a house or renting an apartment. They don’t only keep us company, but also have proven over and over again to be great for our mental and physical health. It doesn’t come as a surprise that a number of people will have multiple kinds of four-footed, winged, or slithering companions in their homes. The question is how to create a happy household with our pets. Additionally, caring for a pet requires a certain amount of habit formation. There are a number of actions that every pet owner should take to live and stay healthy with their animals. In this article, we’ll examine ten healthy habits that can make life with your pet more enjoyable. 1. Regular Vet Visits Your pet’s check-ups with your veterinarian are an essential part of the health services that your pet receives from you. With preventive care, your veterinarian can catch a problem before it becomes serious. We all know prevention is the best medicine, but not just for us. It will save you both heartache and some very expensive care down the road if you can catch things like bumps, coughs, cuts, and broken bones, as well as more diagnosable conditions such as heartworm, intestinal parasites, ear mites, fleas, and ticks. This is why preventing these problems in the first place is so important. A healthy pet is a happy pet, and there is no better preventative care for your pet than those regular visits to your veterinarian.  Taking proper care of your pet can be time-consuming. If you're a student, you may feel overwhelmed by it, and your assignments may suffer in the process. To remedy that, try getting an assignment service by ukwritings during the times when your pet needs some extra involvement. This will help you keep both your grades and your furry friend in check. 2. Proper Nutrition Make sure your pet is fed a nutritional diet appropriate to their age, health status, and lifestyle, and make sure you choose the right food. Look up foods with your vet or via scientific research. Over-feeding or under-feeding can result in a wide range of medical problems, including obesity, which is of epidemic proportions in pets and can predispose them to diabetes and a wide range of life-threatening conditions. Ensure your pet's health with these five nutrition tips: Tailored Diet: Feed your pet a diet suited to their age, health status, and lifestyle. Consult Experts: Discuss food options with your vet or refer to scientific research to choose the best food. Measure Portions: Provide the correct amount of food to prevent overfeeding or underfeeding. Watch for Obesity: Monitor your pet's weight closely, as obesity can lead to diabetes and other severe health issues. Quality Food: Opt for high-quality, nutrient-rich foods that meet your pet's specific dietary needs. 3. Daily Exercise Regular exercise is an important necessity to keep your pet healthy and happy. You should consult with your vet and determine the amount of exercise that best suits your pet based on its species, type, and age (for instance, a dog usually needs to do more exercise than a cat does). If they have regular exercise such as walking and playing, they could be fit and stay sharp. Exercise is also an effective solution to keep your pet free from boredom or avoid some behavioral problems. You can exercise with your pet, which will provide an additional bonding experience and will also help you stay fit. Grab some assignment writing services if you need to carve out some time for regular activities from your busy schedule. Ensure that your own and your pet’s health is a priority. 4. Hygiene Practices More than just improving your pet’s appearance, keeping your pet neat is fundamental to their health. Regular brushing of your pet’s teeth and bathing add years to your pet’s life by preventing periodontal disease, skin problems caused by skin irregularities and allergies, and preventing infections through trimming nails. It also alerts you to many problems before they get serious. 5. Training and Socialization Most pets require training and socialization since this will help to ensure a peaceful home life. A well-trained pet is easier to manage, and they are less likely to develop problems with their behavior. Socialization enables your pet to become more supportive and to enjoy a peaceful and harmonious relationship with people and other pets, not suffering from fears or anxieties. Take the time to train and socialize with your pet when they are young so that this forms the basis of their good relationship with you and others. 6. Secure Environment Then there’s providing a safe and stable home. Does your yard have plants that are toxic to pets or dangerous debris lying around? Is your gate open, letting your pet sneak into the neighborhood? Is there a birdbath or pond where your pet could drown and where the water might be stagnant and toxic, posing a threat if consumed? Is your pet always supplied with water? Think about these questions when creating a secure environment for your pet. 7. Quality Time Together Spending time together improves your pet’s emotional health and strengthens your bond with them. It also helps when it comes to the mood of your pet. When you spend time with your pet, you can do the following: Go for a Walk: Enjoy the outdoors together while getting some exercise. Play Fetch: A fun and active way to engage your dog. Cuddle on the Couch: Spend some quiet time together relaxing. Teach New Tricks: Stimulate their mind with training sessions. Visit a Pet-Friendly Park: Let them socialize and explore new environments. Have a Playdate: Invite other pets over for a fun play session. Grooming Time: Brush their fur and take care of their hygiene. Interactive Toys: Use puzzle toys to challenge and entertain them. Go for a Car Ride: Take them on a scenic drive for a change of pace. Take a Nap Together: Rest and bond by napping side by side. Regular interaction keeps your pet mentally stimulated and prevents boredom. It provides an opportunity to observe any changes in their behavior or health. Moreover, shared activities like walks or play sessions can improve your pet’s physical health. These moments also create lasting memories and reinforce positive behaviors. Ultimately, quality time together ensures a happier, healthier life for your furry friend. 8. Mental Stimulation Your pet needs a cognitively enriching environment in addition to physical activity, or they will get bored, causing destructive behavior or even psychiatric illnesses. Use interactive toys, snuffle mats, and puzzle feeders to keep your pet’s brain engaged. Workout sessions such as long walks, play sessions with their favorite toys or games of fetch are great for the body and brain. Training sessions that teach new tricks or commands provide fantastic mental exercise. Switching up routine toys and activities also helps your pet avoid boredom. Playing with our pets, whether it be imitating their behavior or throwing the ball back and forth, cements the bond we have with them. Studies show that simply petting our pets lowers our blood pressure, reducing stress levels in humans and our pets. Further enrichment activities, such as humans “hiding”’ items with a specific scent for pets to sniff out or training for agility courses, also provide variety and cognitive challenges to your pet’s day. 9. Respect Their Space Pets need space just like we do. Make sure you provide a quiet, safe, comfortable place where your pet can rest and recharge or just have a moment alone. Pets that live in households with lots of kids and/or dogs especially need some space of their own. Having a space where they can go to feel less overwhelmed is important for their stress management and feeling safe. This space should be stocked with toys, a comfy bed, and water. Observing your pet's need to be alone can prevent behavior problems. By respecting your pet and providing them with their own space shows that you care and acknowledge them for who they are. Personal space is important for their emotional health, making sure they remain happy and healthy in a busy household. 10. Preventative Measures Vaccinate your pet to help them remain well. Deworm them, and protect them from ectoparasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites. Don’t allow free-ranging where your pet might catch a disease or get hurt. Take them in for yearly check-ups with a vet immediately after any accident or illness. Microchip your pet in case they get lost. Provide your companion with a safe, clean, and appropriately sized living environment because injury and infection are less likely to occur. These straightforward steps are the essence of preventive medicine, and keeping your pet healthy as long as possible is the goal. Thriving Together When practiced together, these ten habits will give you and your pet a joyful life. Each step of the process serves your pet physically but also emotionally because you're nurturing the bond that you share. Your pet is your family, and you open your home, heart, door, wallet, and life to them daily. These habits are written to give you and your pet a long, happy, and healthy life together. Cheers!
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Purr-fectly Well: Strategies for Supporting Cat Wellness

Image Source   As a conscientious cat owner, it’s crucial to ensure that your pet is taken care of at all times. Part of it is ensuring that your babies are leading a peaceful and comfortable existence. But aside from this, there are a few other things to consider. So, in this blog, we will look at some strategies on how you can support your cat's wellness.   Clean Their Litter Boxes When it comes to their toilet, cats are meticulous. Even if they use the litter after you scoop up the poop, it's typically insufficient to please them. A beautifully clean box and a natural fresh litter like okocat will make your cat very happy. Avoid using ammonia-based or strongly scented cleansers because cats hate them. Instead, use fragrance-free dishwashing solutions with hot water to scrub their litter trays.   Provide Multiple Litter Boxes If You Can Make sure your cat(s) has more than one litter box if you can. Generally speaking, each cat should have one extra litter box. That implies you should give each of your two cats three trays and two trays for one cat. Additionally, ensure your cats' litter trays are situated in peaceful sections of the house where they can have some solitude when using the restroom.   Provide Physical Activities Every cat needs mental and physical stimulation. Every day, dedicate at least thirty minutes to play with your cat. Playing games with your cat enhances their health and strengthens your relationship. There are tons of entertaining activities to play together.   Don't forget to buy your cat a high-quality scratching post. Cats who scratch maintain toned muscles and get rid of dead layers from their claws. Scratching has a rhythmic, repeating quality that reduces your cat's tension and anxiety. Cats are obligate scratchers since it's how they mark their territory. Giving your cat access to a few scratching posts can also help stop them from scuffing up your furniture or other belongings if you teach them how to use them.   Watch Their Weight Similar to humans, cats who are overweight may develop major health issues like diabetes, cancer, heart and lung issues, and orthopedic conditions like osteoarthritis. In addition to preventing overeating, feeding cats with treat balls, slow feeders, or puzzle feeders at mealtimes stimulates their minds.   As a fur parent, it’s important to be equipped with the necessary knowledge on how to tend to your pets properly. Consulting credible online resources and reading a book on pet health can provide you with invaluable tips, so you can give your beloved cat the best care possible.   Stop Feeding Your Cat Too Much Dry Food Cats are carnivores, and meat should be the main component of their meals. In fact, their first meal of the day should contain meat. If you give your cat just dry food, it will result in excessive consumption, which can be harmful in the long run. If possible, provide your cat with some wet food in their diet.   Groom Them Playing and cuddling with your cat can help you bond, but grooming together can also be a terrific method. In addition to searching for and eliminating parasites and reducing hairballs, this will also remove loose fur and can cause skin irritation in the form of lumps and bumps that may require veterinary attention.   Grooming can also improve blood flow to the skin and distribute natural oils throughout the coat. Brushing helps maintain the health of the coat and skin. While some cats respond well to baths, for those that don't, try giving your cat a wash with a warm, moist face washer to help clear the coat's surface of dust, dirt, and other impurities from the environment.   Get Your Cat Spayed or Neutered Getting your cats spayed or neutered is the best move to protect their health while avoiding unwanted kittens. A veterinarian performs this straightforward procedure, and it should be completed before a female cat turns four months old.   Neutering, sometimes known as "the snip," helps male cats no longer fight with other cats and reduces their risk of injury or illness. Moreover, it may deter them from spraying inside the home.   Ensure That Preventative Care Is Updated Ensure that your cherished feline has received all recommended vaccines, flea, tick, and worming treatments. Consult your veterinarian if you're unsure what preventative measures your cat should be taking. To make it simpler to keep informed, you could schedule phone reminders for any forthcoming dose(s).   Ensure Regular Check-Ups A year is a long time for a cat to go without a veterinary examination because our animals mature far faster than we do. Instead, get your cats checked every six months to identify any issues and address them early on. However, if your cat isn't a fan of going outside, you can contact a local house veterinarian, and they will be willing to check your cat in the comfort of your home.   Final Thoughts These tips are only the basics. While tending to your cats is a full-time job, returning our cats' daily affection is well worth the effort. Your cat will provide you with a lifetime of happiness and company in return for the care you provide.          
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Things To Consider Before Choosing a Veterinarian for Your Furry Friend

Photo by Werzk Luuuuuuu on Unsplash It is not surprising that over 50% of the world's population are pet owners. Hence, it becomes pertinent to look after the health and wellbeing of your furry child. Remember, owning a pet goes beyond simply providing them with food and toys.  It requires the utmost dedication and a true sense of responsibility. Just like us, our furry friends require medical attention. However, unlike us, our pets cannot easily communicate their health concerns. We must choose the right veterinarian when we commit to raising a pet.  That said, choosing the right veterinarian is no walk in the park. However, with a simple Google search, you will find multiple options, including testimonials and ratings.  However, not all vets can meet your pet's and your pet's expectations and medical requirements. Hence, you need to pick a vet who understands and meets your pet's needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will talk about how you can choose the perfect dogtor.  Things to Look for in A Vet   Like your human children, your furry child needs the best love and care. Hence, think of choosing a vet the same way you would choose a pediatrician for your child. You will surely want to choose a doctor who is an expert in childcare. Similarly, your pets deserve a vet who understands their medical needs.  You would expect your bet to be skilled in a wide range of veterinary experience. They must hold proper medical degrees and be acquainted with the latest medical technology.   Make sure the vet you choose loves animals. Imagine choosing a vet with all the medical experience but terrible animal manners. This is sure to put you off the very second.   Additionally, good vets must be transparent and communicate the medical concerns of the pets to their pawrents. They must educate the pet owners after after-care or at-home treatment. Paw parents get very anxious while dealing with a sick pet in the house post-treatment.  Moreover, the vets must clearly explain the diet, medication, rest, and other aspects. Vets and pet owners must cooperate to achieve the common goal—a pet's overall well-being. Therefore, as a pet parent, you must choose a doctor who can meet your expectations through open and transparent communication.  Choosing the Perfect Vet  Choosing the right vet is practically a life-and-death decision for your pet. As extreme as it sounds, imagine your pet having a seizure. In this panic state, you will make the rash decision to choose any local vet with good ratings.   You might even lose your furry child if the vet is not experienced or knowledgeable enough. Hence, choosing the perfect vet is vital if you want your pets to be around for the longest time. Here are a few factors you need to consider.   Location  Make a list of every veterinarian facility around you. Based on the distance you are willing to travel, filter out all the vets with poor testimonials. Now, you have a list of great veterinarians and their locations.  While the closest, "good" vet will probably do a decent job providing health advice and treatment to your furry friends, a "great" one will do much more. Hence, consider traveling mid-range distances if you want the best pet care. However, in emergencies, visiting the closest one is the best decision.  Cost   Veterinary care is expensive. Conversely, some vets with modern technologies and better facilities can be more expensive than others.  Moreover, facilities in affluent areas can be more costly than those in remote areas. Plus, as a pet owner, your expenses will also increase regarding utilities and overhead costs. Hence, you must consider all aspects before spending your money.  Working Hours  Taking time out of your busy schedule makes it difficult to take your pet to the vet. Hence, you must prioritize your time and schedule a vet appointment based on your availability. While some vets are available throughout the day, specialists are mostly available on different shifts. Additionally, you can also choose Vets that open on weekends. Vets see their furry patients in the afternoons or evenings and conduct surgeries in the mornings.   Instead of taking your pet to a vet, opt for 24-hour hospitals in an emergency. These hospitals offer emergency medical services throughout the day. You can also go for on-call vets who provide medical services at home. Keep their contacts on your fridge door or places easily visible to you.   Moreover, ensure to inquire about how your prospective vet approaches different situations. These situations might include appointment scheduling, walk-in treatment, general inquiries, and who to contact in emergencies.   Referrals and Word-of-Mouth  The best way to choose the perfect vet is to trust the recommendations of pet owners in your neighborhood. Ensure to ask them about specifications and their experience.   Then, search the veterinarian facility on search engines to make a concrete judgment before you decide on your preferred vet. You can check their reviews and ratings to make a well-informed decision. However, remember that it is a better option to trust word-of-mouth than Google reviews.   Trust Your Gut  After you have created a list of prospective vets, visit a few of them to ask relevant questions. You can enquire about their visitation fees, facilities, and kinds of doctors and understand the overall 'vibe' of the place.   Remember, at the end of the day, trust your gut feelings. Opt for a different vet if you see the place is not hygienic. The last thing you would want is for your furry friend to catch a serious disease when you've taken them for a simple checkup.   Also, observe the body language of the front desk staff. Are they friendly and motivated? Do they love animals? Finally, if everything feels right, go forward with your decision.   Perfect Time to Look for a Vet  Undeniably, the perfect time to look for a good vet should begin before adoption. While planning to get a furry friend, shortlist your prospective vets. During this time, talk to your selected vets and arrange a time to take your new furry friend for the first checkup.   Another important time to visit the vet is if you have recently moved or changed suburbs. Just like you check for hospitals, malls, and schools, you must make a list of vets.   Remember, the worst mistake you can make is waiting for an emergency crisis to arise before searching for vets.  When You Should See the Vet  It is essential to visit the pet under these circumstances:  When you first adopt a pet, you must visit a good vet for the initial checkup for existing diseases   Time for deworming or, vaccinations, or other preventive care like fleas or tick checkups  When you need to neuter or spay your pet  Your furry friend needs a dental checkup  Regular checkups (3 months for puppies or kittens, six months for older pets)  Signs of allergy or frequent sickness like cold, fever, vomiting, etc  Point to note: As a paw parent, your pet's health and well-being must be your top priority. So, do not wait for symptoms to worsen or wait for an emergency before taking your furry friend to the vet.  Expectations at the Vet  You will find excellent veterinarians by observing their nature and how they treat animals. If you visit a vet who greets you and your furry child enthusiastically, you know you made the right choice. These vets want to give your pets a positive experience. Furthermore, you will be at peace knowing your pet is in good hands.   Observe anxious signs in pets when they visit a vet. If your pet has a negative experience, it will show clear signs of anxiety and react nervously when your pet. Hence, choose the right vet who makes your pet feel relaxed. This, in turn, makes a vet's job easier when they treat pets with medication or administer injections.  Regarding the bill settlement, you might be charged more if you don't have pet health insurance. All payment-related issues should be sorted out before the actual bill payment.  How to Know if You Made the Right Choice  Before diagnosing your furry friend, a good vet conducts a thorough physical examination. In this stage of the medical screening process, hidden diseases or allergies are pointed out. You can also ask questions about your pet's health.   Be sure to write down the initial medical screening details so other vets can see your pet's health concerns. Additionally, you will have a clear idea about your pet's underlying health concerns.   Similarly, if your vet notices that your pet's fur is dry or itchy, they will suggest preventive measures to improve the quality of your fur baby's life.   Choose the Perfect Dogtor!  If you are a first-time pet owner or have recently relocated, one of the first steps you must take is choosing a good vet.   Remember, finding a good vet will only increase the lifespan of your furry child. Plus, who doesn't want to make unaccountable memories with their pets?   Hence, choosing the best vet in town who meets all your expectations and your pet's needs is vital. 
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5 Must-Know Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Large Breed Dog

Image Source  Caring for large dog breeds means making some big decisions, especially regarding their food. Good nutrition ensures they live a long, healthy, and active life. Experts say providing a high-quality diet is one of the best ways to keep your dog healthy and prevent diseases.  Knowing which dog to pick can be challenging with many dog food options. Before you buy, it’s helpful to understand what large-breed dogs need in their diet. This knowledge will help you pick the best food for your dog from puppyhood to their senior years.  For some help, here are five must-know tips for selecting the best food for your large-breed dog.  Prioritise High-Quality Protein Protein is essential for all dogs but vital for large breeds. They need more protein to support their bigger muscles and overall growth. Look for dog foods that list high-quality proteins like chicken, fish, or lamb as the first ingredient.  Whole meats are better than by-products or fillers because they provide more nutrients. For large breed puppies, aim for a large breed dog food with at least 25% protein to support their growth. Adult dogs should look for around 18% protein to maintain muscle mass and health.  Choosing the proper protein levels in dog food helps your large breed dog grow strong and stay healthy. High-quality protein supports muscle health and overall well-being, giving your dog the nutrients they need to thrive. Ensure Controlled Calcium Levels Large-breed dogs are more susceptible to skeletal and joint problems, so monitoring their calcium intake is crucial. Too much calcium, especially in puppies, can lead to orthopaedic diseases like hip dysplasia and osteochondrosis. These conditions can cause pain and mobility issues, significantly impacting your dog's quality of life.  It's important to choose dog food with controlled calcium levels to support proper bone growth and prevent these issues. The ideal calcium content for adult large-breed dogs should be between 1.0% and 1.8%. This range helps maintain bone health without overloading the system. For puppies, the calcium content should be slightly higher, between 1.2% and 1.5%, to support their rapid growth phase.  In addition to calcium levels, the balance between calcium and phosphorus is vital. The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio should ideally be between 1:1 and 1.4:1. This balance ensures that calcium is properly absorbed and utilised for bone development, reducing the risk of skeletal issues. Opt for Moderate Fat Content Keeping your large breed dog's weight in check is essential to avoid putting too much strain on their joints and organs. Overweight dogs are more likely to develop joint problems, heart disease, and diabetes. To help them stay healthy, choose dog food with moderate fat content.  Look for food that has around 10%-15% fat, depending on how active your dog is. More active dogs might need more fat for energy, while less active dogs might need less to prevent weight gain.  Choose foods with healthy fats like fish oil or flaxseed oil. These fats provide Omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for keeping your dog's coat shiny and skin healthy. They also help reduce inflammation in the joints.  Avoid foods with unhealthy fats or fillers, as they can cause weight gain without providing good nutrition.  Look for Added Nutrients and Supplements In addition to protein and fats, your large breed dog needs specific nutrients and supplements to stay healthy. These added nutrients can provide extra benefits that help support your dog's overall well-being.  One of the essential supplements to look for is glucosamine and chondroitin. These ingredients support joint health, especially in large-breed dogs prone to joint issues. Glucosamine helps with the formation of cartilage, while chondroitin helps maintain it. Together, they can help prevent joint problems and keep your dog moving comfortably, whether they are still growing or getting older.  Another important group of nutrients is antioxidants. Antioxidants support a healthy immune system and can be found in fruits and vegetables like blueberries, spinach, and carrots. These foods provide natural sources of vitamins and minerals that promote overall health. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and support heart health, contributing to your dog's longevity and vitality.  When choosing dog food, look for these added nutrients and supplements in the ingredients list. Foods that include glucosamine, chondroitin, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are excellent choices.   These ingredients will help ensure your large breed dog gets the necessary macronutrients and the extra support for joint health, immune function, and overall well-being. Include Whole Grains and Fibre Quality dog food should contain fibre and whole grains to provide sustainable energy and foster healthy digestion. Whole grains such as oats, barley, and brown rice are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall health.   Fibre-rich ingredients like sweet potatoes and peas can help maintain a healthy weight and support gastrointestinal health. Avoid dog food with fillers like corn or wheat, as these low-quality grains don’t have the necessary nutrients essential for development and growth. Takeaway Take these tips to heart and make informed decisions when selecting your dog's food. Your large-breed dog deserves the best, and with the proper nutrition, you can give it a long, healthy, and happy life. Always consult your veterinarian to ensure you make the best choices for your pet's needs. 
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The Benefits of Interactive Dog Toys

Photo by Jesper Brouwers on Unsplash Furparents, let’s face it. The world wouldn’t be as joyous and colourful as it is if dogs weren’t around! These pets are bundles of joy and deserve the best we can offer.  One great way to show appreciation to our beloved furry friends is by giving them interactive dog toys. These toys don’t only provide pleasure and fun for your little ones, they also offer a plethora of benefits that can help both their mental and physical health.  From dog balls to squeaky toys, there are many interactive dog toys that you can utilise to give your furry buddy a good time. This article will venture into the wonderful world of interactive dog toys and provide insights into their benefits. Also, consider dog enrichment activities to get your old dog out of boredom.  Let’s jump right into it!  1. Provides a Bonding Experience  Many dog toys like rope toys and squeaky balls can be used to facilitate bond formation between you and your pet.  These toys are used in playtime.  Playtime doesn’t have to be a structured session that revolves around commands and reward systems, but it does have to be active and cooperative.  For instance, you can pull onto one end of a rope toy and have your dog pull the opposite way. Alternatively, you can play fetch with your dog and have them return the ball that you’ve thrown.  Engaging in playtime using these dog toys can help tighten the bond between you and your pet. Just 15 minutes of playtime with them every day is enough to get results.   In doing so, they’ll be more willing to trust you and see you as a pack leader, which can help reinforce your relationship and make you both enjoy and respect each other’s company.  That said, it’s important to know your dog’s preferred play style. Just like how people have different personalities and preferences, so do dogs. Experiment with multiple dog toys and see what your pet gravitates towards.   Once you’ve sifted through these options, choose the toy that they’re more likely to play with. You can find multiple toy options in specialty pet retail stores like Zach’s Pet Shop.   By getting a toy they like, you can make them more motivated to play and help them reap the benefits of playtime.    2. Gets The Heart Pumping Many types of pet toys help promote physical activity in dogs. Building on the previous example, a squeaky ball can be tossed by the owner and retrieved by the dog. If done at least once a day, this can serve as a form of exercise that can be healthy for the creature.  Specifically, playing with these toys can get a dog’s heart and blood vessels pumping, which can keep their cardiovascular system active and healthy.  You can also improve their stamina by building their heart health, which can make it easier for them to do strenuous tasks like going on hikes or long walks.   If you engage in these activities yourself, training and building your dog’s cardiovascular health increases the number of physical activities you can do with them, enriching the bonding experience even further.   3. Strengthens Muscles Besides the heart health benefits of using interactive dog toys, dogs can also attain better health from play by working out various core muscle groups.  When a dog constantly moves around, they exert effort and build strength in their muscles, notably in their limbs and jaw. For example, tugging, chasing, and fetching are common activities that dogs do during playtime that help work these muscle groups.   Over time, this physical activity—facilitated through dog toys—can improve their level of fitness and make them more energetic even as they grow older.   4. Improves Weight  In Australia, about 41% of pet dogs are classified as overweight or obese. This is an alarming fact, as being over the normal mass index can leave these dogs more vulnerable to a plethora of health risks.  The right toys can also help dogs maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a real problem for dogs (as it is for humans), accelerating and increasing the risk of chronic health problems like arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease.  Furthermore, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, having an obese dog can lower the lifespan of your furry pal by up to two years. With the average lifespan of a dog being just about 15 years, a normal-weight dog can live up to 10% longer than an overweight one.  So if you want your pet to stick around longer, then it’s important that you get them to normal weight levels and exercise them regularly.    5. Stimulates The Mind  Another benefit of interactive dog toys lies in their mentally stimulating properties. Just like humans, dogs can get bored when they don’t get stimulated. This can lead to destructive and irritable behaviour, which can lead to messes around the house.   Conversely, when a dog is engaged with a dog toy, they focus their mental efforts on that specific object. Concentrating their brainpower on that object can reduce their external aggression towards other people, objects, and animals.   Chew toys are among the best interactive dog toys for stimulating a dog’s mind. They stimulate the jaw and mouth, which can calm down their aggressive tendencies. A squeaky chew toy also satisfies their predator instinct and makes them more at ease.  By facilitating play with them using interactive dog toys, you can help lower these health risks and improve the life outcomes of your furry friends. This not only increases their lifespan, but also can help them feel more content and less agitated during their non-play periods.  6. Improves Dental Health Certain interactive toys like chew toys can benefit a dog’s dental health. Chewing on these toys can gradually chip away plaque and tartar. These conditions, if left untreated, can lead to diseases like periodontal disease and gingivitis.  The reason for this effect is that a large fraction of these chew toys have grooves and textures that clean your canine’s teeth as they chew. This acts as a toothbrush—helping remove little bits of food stuck in your dog’s gums.  While chew toys aren’t effective replacements for dental cleaning appointments, they can help you maintain your dog’s oral hygiene and freshen their breath.    7. Boosts Critical Thinking Skills Dogs have the potential to be intelligent creatures, but you have to be proactive in harnessing their abilities.  Some forms of dog toys can help train and boost your canine’s critical thinking skills. For instance, you can get puzzles or rolling treat dispensers to challenge your dog’s ability to think strategically to access a reward.  Besides the reward, playing with these toys can stimulate the dog’s cognitive functions—which can serve as motivation in itself. This can keep your dog’s mind sharp and agile, which are traits they can carry with them throughout their life.   8. Reduces Separation Anxiety Some dogs exhibit anxious behaviour when left alone by their owner. This can cause a great deal of stress and agitation—which can ultimately lead to destructive behaviour.  Of course, it’s common and expected for you to separate from your dog every once in a while.  To combat their distress, an interactive dog toy can help keep your dog mentally occupied and engaged. The right toys can distract them from feelings of loneliness and anxiety. It can also provide comfort for them whenever you’re not around.  Over time, they can learn how to calm themselves despite your absence with the help of this toy. This can grant peace of mind to both you and the dog.   9. Makes Them Sleepy If your dog is a bundle of energy, some toys can help tire them out and promote better rest. Unsurprisingly, playtime can take quite a bit of mental and physical effort on your dog’s part. This applies no matter if your dog is playing with a puzzle toy or running around catching a tennis ball.  When you have had enough play time, your dog will feel worn out and enter a more relaxed state. This, in turn, can promote better restorative health for them while also helping you focus on more pressing matters. 
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Natural Wood Cat Litter vs Clay & Silica: What's the Difference and Why Make the Switch Today

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Top Reasons to Adopt a Bunny and What You Need to Know

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